Reliability solutions to keep ​your business moving

Who we are

Breaux Energy Services is a national provider of ​industrial services aimed at increasing lubrication ​and operational reliability.

Leveraging more than 100 years' experience in the oil and gas ​industry, BES offers a suite of turnkey reliability services. Guided ​by a team of lubrication experts, BES strives to help customers ​optimize lubrication processes and increase overall uptime, ​efficiency, and equipment reliability.

Where we got our start

BES is an affiliate company of Breaux Petroleum Products. Founded in ​1922 in Lockport, Louisiana, Breaux Petroleum was the state’s first-ever ​distributor of Shell products and today holds the distinction as a Prestige ​Distributor—the top level within Shell’s nationwide network.

Corner Element

Our Services

Construction Tools Outline Illustration

Lubricant Management

Implement proper lube practices to increase ​your Mean Time Between Failures

beaker outline icon

Chemical Cleaning

ASTM approved process to remove scale, ​rust, or other inorganic material from systems

Energy, Power, Liquid, Fuel, drop, liquid, water, puer, Oil Solid Icon

Oil Analysis

Analyze the viscosity, cleanliness, varnish ​potential, and fluid health of your oil


Environmental & Spill Planning

Identify and repair harmful leaks prior to ​introducing fluids to system piping

Pipe Line Icon

High Velocity Oil Flushing

Remove harmful contaminants from ​industrial systems and piping

Mechanical Gears Icon

Industrial Reclamation

Extend the life of your existing oil, save ​money, and reduce waste

Chemical Structure Icon

Varnish Mitigation

Extend the life of antioxidant additives and ​prevent premature oil replacement

Storage Tank Icon

Reservoir Cleaning

Effective reservoir and tank cleanings ​following all proper safety protocols

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Our suite of reliability services are designed ​to address and solve plant and operational ​challenges faced by companies across a ​vast range of industries.





Oil & Gas


Get in touch

Corporate Headquarters

237 N. Barrios St.

Lockport, LA 70374



(800) 375-3358